WISE Banking

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our Dedicated Professionals

WISE Banking takes care of your financial needs in a single consolidated banking package, bringing you a wide range of exclusive spending, investment and personal protection rewards.

Important Note:
-Investment involves risk, prices of investment product may go up as well as down, and may become valueless.
-Securities Margin Trading involves significant risk and losses may exceed the value of your collateral.
-Some mutual funds and bonds may involve derivatives. Structured equity-linked products and FX linked deposits are structured products involving derivatives. FX options are derivatives products. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in an investment product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.
-Insurance products and Investment products including FX linked deposits and FX options are not equivalent to or alternative of time deposits. They are not protected deposits, and are not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. Some FX linked deposits and FX options are not principal-protected while some FX Linked Deposits are principal-protected conditionally.

A wide range of exclusive rewards that will allow you to grasp greater financial advantages

  • Bonus Points Reward Programme
    Simply use the designated banking products or services to earn Bonus Points, please click here for details. And you can use the Bonus Points to redeem fabulous rewards, please click here to view the bonus point!
    Note: Terms and conditions apply, please click here for details.
  • Exclusive Privileges
    • Preferential foreign currency exchange rate
    • Preferential time deposit rate
    • As low as 0.18% brokerage commission on Securities Trading via automated channels
    • Up to 2% discount on Mutual Fund subscription fee
    • Premium discount on designated General Insurance products
    • A range of banking service fee waivers and special discounts

Note: All products and services are subject to terms and conditions, please click here to read the relevant terms and conditions or contact our staff for details.

Don't be tempted by quick money. Don't sell your account.
Don’t lend or sell your account! Don’t risk your future for quick money!

Risk Disclosure
Investment involves risks. The prices of investment products fluctuate, sometimes dramatically, and may become valueless. Investors should not invest based on this webpage alone. Before making any investment decision, customers must consult their own independent financial advisors and read the relevant offering documents for further details including the risk factors in order to ensure that they fully understand the risks associated with the investment products.

Securities Trading
It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling securities.

Securities Margin Trading
If a client maintains a margin account with the Bank, the risk of loss in financing a transaction by deposit of collateral is significant. The client may sustain losses in excess of the client’s cash and any other assets deposited as collateral with the Bank. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders. The client may be called upon at short notice to make additional margin deposits or interest payment. If the required margin deposits or interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, the client’s securities collateral may be liquidated without the client’s consent. Moreover, the client will remain liable for any resulting deficit in the client’s account and interest charged on the client’s account. The client should therefore carefully consider whether such a financing arrangement is suitable in light of the client’s own financial position and investment objectives.

RMB Currency Risk
RMB is currently not freely convertible and is subject to exchange controls and restrictions (which are subject to changes from time to time without notice). You should consider and understand the possible impact on your liquidity of RMB funds in advance. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of RMB may result in losses in the event that you convert RMB into other currencies. Onshore RMB and offshore RMB are traded in different and separate markets operating under different regulations and independent liquidity pool with different exchange rates. Their exchange rate movements may deviate significantly from each other.

Online Investment Trading Services
Due to unpredictable network traffic congestion and other reasons, the Internet and other electronic media may not be reliable media of communication and transactions conducted over the Internet and via other electronic media are subject to: (i) possible failure or delay in the transmission and receipt of instructions for any or all transactions in investment products or other information, and (ii) possible failure or delay of execution or execution at prices different from those prevailing at the time when your instructions were given. There are risks associated with the online investment trading system, including the failure of hardware and/or software, and the result of any such system failure may be that your orders are either not executed according to your instructions or are not executed at all. There are risks of interruption, distortion, omission, blackout or interception during the transmission of instructions for any or all transactions in investment products, as well as of any misunderstanding or errors in communication.

Mutual Fund Investment
The past performance of a mutual fund is not a guide to its future performance and yields are not guaranteed. Customers could lose some or all of the principal amount invested. Funds are not obligations of, or guaranteed by, the Bank or any of its affiliates. The Bank will normally be paid a commission or rebate by the fund manager. Bond Trading/ Certificate of Deposit Trading
Trading of bond/ certificate of deposit involves liquidity risk and interest rate risk and there is no 100% guarantee of positive return but loss may be incurred. There is a risk that the bond/ certificate of deposit issuer fails to promptly pay the client the interest or principal if a credit event or default occurs on the bond/ certificate of deposit issuer. Investing in emerging markets bonds involves special consideration and higher risks, such as greater price volatility, less developed regulatory and legal framework, economic, social and political instability, etc.

Structured Equity-linked/ Notes Subscription Products
Investment in structured equity-linked/ notes subscription products involves substantial risks including market risks, liquidity risks, risks relating to changes in market conditions, counterparty risks, and the risks that the issuer(s) will be unable to satisfy its obligations under the structured equity-linked/ notes subscription products. Customers should recognize that their structured equity-linked/ notes subscription products may mature worthless. While the maximum return on a structured equity-linked/ notes subscription product is usually limited to a predetermined amount of cash, an investor stands to potentially loss up to the entire investment amount if the underlying stock price moves substantially against the investor’s view.

FX Linked Deposit
FX linked deposit is an unlisted investment product and subject to the credit and insolvency risk of the Bank. Its return is limited to the interest payable, which will be dependent on movements in some linked exchange rate. Exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including international finance, economics, politics, central banks and other bodies intervention and natural events, and may rise or fall rapidly. Whilst the possible return may be higher than conventional time deposits, it is normally associated with higher risks. When the fluctuation of the linked exchange rates differs from what the customer expected, the customer may have to bear the loss. While some FX linked deposit types are principal-protected conditionally, others are not principal-protected. FX linked deposit is not the same as investing in its linked currency. It is not protected by the Investor Compensation Fund. If the FX linked deposit is approved by the Bank to be withdrawn before its maturity, the customer may also need to bear the costs involved which may reduce the return and the principal amount of FX linked deposit he may get back. There is no secondary market for the FX linked deposit and it is not collateralized. The Bank can early terminate FX linked deposit.

FX Option Trading
FX options are not principal-protected and are unlisted. There may not be an active or liquid secondary market. They are subject to the credit and insolvency risks of the Bank. If the Bank becomes insolvent or defaults on its obligations under this product, customers can only claim as an unsecured creditor of the Bank. Investing in FX options is not the same as investing in the reference currencies. FX options are not covered by the Investor Compensation Fund and may be early terminated by the Bank. The risk of loss in FX option trading can be substantial. Customers may sustain losses in excess of their initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. A customer may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, the customer’s position may be liquidated. The customer will remain liable for any resulting deficit in the customer’s account. Customers should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of their own financial position and investment objectives. The maximum potential loss for an option seller is theoretically unlimited if the market movement is unfavorable to his position. Exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including international finance, economics, politics, central banks and other bodies intervention and natural events, and may rise or fall rapidly. RMB is subject to the PRC government's control (for example, exchange restrictions). Besides, there is no guarantee that RMB will not depreciate. If customers convert Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency into RMB so as to invest in RMB denominated investment products and subsequently convert the RMB redemption proceeds back into Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency, you may suffer a loss if RMB depreciates against Hong Kong Dollar or other currency. Exchange controls or other monetary measures may be imposed by a government, sometimes with little or no warning. Such measures may have a significant effect on the convertibility or transferability of a currency and may have unexpected consequences for a FX Transaction that the Customer is holding. Please refer to the risk disclosures in the specific documentation of these products before making a decision to invest using margin or leverage.

FX Margin Trading
The risk of loss in leveraged foreign exchange trading can be substantial. You may sustain losses in excess of your initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop loss" or "stop limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. You may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, your position will be liquidated. You will remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives. Currency exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including national and international financial and economic conditions and political and natural events. The effect of normal market force may at times be countered by intervention by central banks and other bodies. At times, exchange rates, and price linked to such rates, may rise or fall rapidly. Please refer to the risk disclosures in the specific documentation of these products before making a decision to invest using margin or leverage. RMB is subject to the PRC government's control (for example, exchange restrictions). Besides, there is no guarantee that RMB will not depreciate. If customers convert Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency into RMB so as to invest in RMB denominated investment products and subsequently convert the RMB redemption proceeds back into Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency, you may suffer a loss if RMB depreciates against Hong Kong Dollar or other currency. Exchange controls or other monetary measures may be imposed by a government, sometimes with little or no warning. Such measures may have a significant effect on the convertibility or transferability of a currency and may have unexpected consequences for a FX Transaction that the Customer is holding. Please refer to the risk disclosures in the specific documentation of these products before making a decision to invest using margin or leverage.

Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect/ Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect are not covered by Hong Kong's Investor Compensation Fund. They involve risks of quotas used up, difference in trading day, restrictions on selling imposed by front-end monitoring, recalling of eligible stocks, and mainland market risks.

Non-leveraged Collateralized Foreign Exchange Trading
NOTE: Foreign exchange rates can move in favor of or against you. If they move against you to the extent that your margin deposit goes below 5% of your foreign exchange contract line of credit, we will endeavor to contact you as soon as possible to give you the option of depositing more funds or closing your position. If the Remaining Margin is less than the Margin Call Threshold Amount, then the Bank may make a margin call on the Customer by oral, telephonic or written notice. If the Bank makes a margin call, customer shall deliver to the Bank not later than 48 hours after the margin call, additional margin in the amount of the difference between the Remaining Margin and the Initial Margin Amount. If at any time the Remaining Margin is less than the Liquidation Threshold Amount, then the Bank may immediately and without notice to customer close-out and liquidate all FX Transactions (including Margin Transactions) as provided for in the Agreement and apply all margin held by the Bank against any net loss resulting from such close-out and liquidation. IMPORTANT: The risk of loss in foreign exchange trading can be substantial. You may sustain losses in excess of your initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop loss" or "stop limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. You may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, your position will be liquidated without your consent. You will remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives. Currency exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including national and international financial and economic conditions and political and natural events. The effect of normal market force may at times be countered by intervention by central banks and other bodies. At times, exchange rates, and price linked to such rates, may rise or fall rapidly.

Currency Switching or Foreign Exchange
Currency exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including national and international financial and economic conditions and political and natural events. The effect of normal market forces may at times be countered by intervention by central banks and other bodies. At times, exchange rates, and prices linked to such rates, may rise or fall rapidly.

Gold Trading
The gold market is volatile and a loss may be incurred from trading gold. Gold does not bear interest. A customer’s purchase of gold for the account does not represent a purchase of physical gold or a deposit of money. Customers will not have any interest inany gold owned or held by the Bank, or be entitled to physical delivery of gold. Although investment may bring about profit opportunities, each kind of investment tool comes with its own risks. Due to the fluctuating nature of the gold market, the gold price may rise or fall beyond customers’ expectations and the losses may substantially reduce customers’ capital invested and earnings (if any). Customers’ investments in Gold Trading are subject to the credit risk of the Bank. Before making any investment decision, customers should assess their own willingness and ability to bear risks and seek advice from independent financial advisors. Gold Trading (the “Scheme”) has been authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”). The SFC’s authorization of the Scheme is not an endorsement or recommendation of the Scheme nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of the Scheme or its performance. It does not mean the Scheme is suitable for all investors nor it is an endorsement of its suitability for any particular investor or class of investors.

Customers should read the sales documents, including product brochure, benefit illustration (if applicable) and policy documents and provisions issued by relevant insurance company to understand the details of the insurance plan (including but not limited to detailed terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, fees and product risks) and consider whether the insurance product meets their personal needs before application. Policyholders are subject to the credit risk of relevant insurance company.

For life insurance product, an insurance plan may comprise a savings element. Part of the premium will be paid for the insurance and related costs. If a customer is not completely satisfied with his/her life insurance policy, the customer has a right to cancel it within the cooling off period and obtain a refund of relevant premium and levy paid. To exercise such right, a notice of cancellation signed by the customer must be received by relevant insurance company’s Hong Kong Main Office within the cooling off period (i.e. within 21 calendar days immediately following either the day of the delivery of the policy or delivery of a Cooling-off Notice (stating the availability of the policy and expiry date of the cooling off period) to the customer or the customer’s nominated representative, whichever is the earlier). After the cooling off period is expired, if a customer cancels the policy before maturity, the surrender value may be less than the total premium the customer has paid.

The Bank is an authorized distributor / an agent of the relevant product issuer(s) and the concerned products are products of such product issuer but not the Bank; and in respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved between directly between the relevant product issuer(s) and the customer. This webpage does not constitute advice to buy or sell, or an offer with respect to any investment or insurance products. This webpage, the FX linked deposits and FX options abovementioned are issued by China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited which is a licensed bank regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, an approved insurance agent under the Insurance Companies Ordinance and a Registered Institution (CE No. AAC155) under the Securities and Futures Ordinance to carry on Type 1 (Dealing in Securities) and Type 4 (Advising on Securities) Regulated Activities. This webpage has not been reviewed by any regulatory authorities in Hong Kong.

  • RMB Wealth Management Expert

  • We provide all-round RMB services, and attentively station RMB Wealth Management Experts at each of our branches, assisting you to grasp the inexhaustible potential of versatile RMB products

  • Financial Management Services

  • To show our understanding and dedication in satisfying your need for wealth diversification, we provide a wide range of financial management services that includes deposit, investment, insurance, loans and card services. We also provide exclusive rewards that allow you to grasp greater financial advantages.

  • PREMIER Savings Account

    Enjoy Extra Bonus Interest Rate with exclusive PREMIER Savings Account. It gives better management of cash flow for you to grasp investment opportunities timely for higher returns

Note: All products and services are subject to terms and conditions, please click here to read the relevant terms and conditions or contact our staff for details.

Don't be tempted by quick money. Don't lend your bank account to anyone to launder money.

Risk Disclosure
Investment involves risks. The prices of investment products fluctuate, sometimes dramatically, and may become valueless. Investors should not invest based on this webpage alone. Before making any investment decision, customers must consult their own independent financial advisors and read the relevant offering documents for further details including the risk factors in order to ensure that they fully understand the risks associated with the investment products.

Securities Trading
It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling securities.

Securities Margin Trading
If a client maintains a margin account with the Bank, the risk of loss in financing a transaction by deposit of collateral is significant. The client may sustain losses in excess of the client’s cash and any other assets deposited as collateral with the Bank. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders. The client may be called upon at short notice to make additional margin deposits or interest payment. If the required margin deposits or interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, the client’s securities collateral may be liquidated without the client’s consent. Moreover, the client will remain liable for any resulting deficit in the client’s account and interest charged on the client’s account. The client should therefore carefully consider whether such a financing arrangement is suitable in light of the client’s own financial position and investment objectives.

RMB Currency Risk
RMB is subject to the PRC government's control (for example, exchange restrictions). Besides, there is no guarantee that RMB will not depreciate. If customers convert Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency into RMB so as to invest in RMB denominated investment products and subsequently convert the RMB redemption proceeds back into Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency, you may suffer a loss if RMB depreciates against Hong Kong Dollar or other currency.

Online Investment Trading Services
Due to unpredictable network traffic congestion and other reasons, the Internet and other electronic media may not be reliable media of communication and transactions conducted over the Internet and via other electronic media are subject to: (i) possible failure or delay in the transmission and receipt of instructions for any or all transactions in investment products or other information, and (ii) possible failure or delay of execution or execution at prices different from those prevailing at the time when your instructions were given. There are risks associated with the online investment trading system, including the failure of hardware and/or software, and the result of any such system failure may be that your orders are either not executed according to your instructions or are not executed at all. There are risks of interruption, distortion, omission, blackout or interception during the transmission of instructions for any or all transactions in investment products, as well as of any misunderstanding or errors in communication.

Mutual Fund Investment
The past performance of a mutual fund is not a guide to its future performance and yields are not guaranteed. Customers could lose some or all of the principal amount invested. Funds are not obligations of, or guaranteed by, the Bank or any of its affiliates. The Bank will normally be paid a commission or rebate by the fund manager. Bond Trading/ Certificate of Deposit Trading
Trading of bond/ certificate of deposit involves liquidity risk and interest rate risk and there is no 100% guarantee of positive return but loss may be incurred. There is a risk that the bond/ certificate of deposit issuer fails to promptly pay the client the interest or principal if a credit event or default occurs on the bond/ certificate of deposit issuer. Investing in emerging markets bonds involves special consideration and higher risks, such as greater price volatility, less developed regulatory and legal framework, economic, social and political instability, etc.

Structured Equity-linked/ Notes Subscription Products
Investment in structured equity-linked/ notes subscription products involves substantial risks including market risks, liquidity risks, risks relating to changes in market conditions, counterparty risks, and the risks that the issuer(s) will be unable to satisfy its obligations under the structured equity-linked/ notes subscription products. Customers should recognize that their structured equity-linked/ notes subscription products may mature worthless. While the maximum return on a structured equity-linked/ notes subscription product is usually limited to a predetermined amount of cash, an investor stands to potentially loss up to the entire investment amount if the underlying stock price moves substantially against the investor’s view.

FX Linked Deposit
FX linked deposit is an unlisted investment product and subject to the credit and insolvency risk of the Bank. Its return is limited to the interest payable, which will be dependent on movements in some linked exchange rate. Exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including international finance, economics, politics, central banks and other bodies intervention and natural events, and may rise or fall rapidly. Whilst the possible return may be higher than conventional time deposits, it is normally associated with higher risks. When the fluctuation of the linked exchange rates differs from what the customer expected, the customer may have to bear the loss. While some FX linked deposit types are principal-protected conditionally, others are not principal-protected. FX linked deposit is not the same as investing in its linked currency. It is not protected by the Investor Compensation Fund. If the FX linked deposit is approved by the Bank to be withdrawn before its maturity, the customer may also need to bear the costs involved which may reduce the return and the principal amount of FX linked deposit he may get back. There is no secondary market for the FX linked deposit and it is not collateralized. The Bank can early terminate FX linked deposit.

FX Option Trading
FX options are not principal-protected and are unlisted. There may not be an active or liquid secondary market. They are subject to the credit and insolvency risks of the Bank. If the Bank becomes insolvent or defaults on its obligations under this product, customers can only claim as an unsecured creditor of the Bank. Investing in FX options is not the same as investing in the reference currencies. FX options are not covered by the Investor Compensation Fund and may be early terminated by the Bank. The risk of loss in FX option trading can be substantial. Customers may sustain losses in excess of their initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. A customer may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, the customer’s position may be liquidated. The customer will remain liable for any resulting deficit in the customer’s account. Customers should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of their own financial position and investment objectives. The maximum potential loss for an option seller is theoretically unlimited if the market movement is unfavorable to his position. Exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including international finance, economics, politics, central banks and other bodies intervention and natural events, and may rise or fall rapidly. RMB is subject to the PRC government's control (for example, exchange restrictions). Besides, there is no guarantee that RMB will not depreciate. If customers convert Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency into RMB so as to invest in RMB denominated investment products and subsequently convert the RMB redemption proceeds back into Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency, you may suffer a loss if RMB depreciates against Hong Kong Dollar or other currency. Exchange controls or other monetary measures may be imposed by a government, sometimes with little or no warning. Such measures may have a significant effect on the convertibility or transferability of a currency and may have unexpected consequences for a FX Transaction that the Customer is holding. Please refer to the risk disclosures in the specific documentation of these products before making a decision to invest using margin or leverage.

FX Margin Trading
The risk of loss in leveraged foreign exchange trading can be substantial. You may sustain losses in excess of your initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop loss" or "stop limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. You may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, your position will be liquidated. You will remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives. Currency exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including national and international financial and economic conditions and political and natural events. The effect of normal market force may at times be countered by intervention by central banks and other bodies. At times, exchange rates, and price linked to such rates, may rise or fall rapidly. Please refer to the risk disclosures in the specific documentation of these products before making a decision to invest using margin or leverage. RMB is subject to the PRC government's control (for example, exchange restrictions). Besides, there is no guarantee that RMB will not depreciate. If customers convert Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency into RMB so as to invest in RMB denominated investment products and subsequently convert the RMB redemption proceeds back into Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency, you may suffer a loss if RMB depreciates against Hong Kong Dollar or other currency. Exchange controls or other monetary measures may be imposed by a government, sometimes with little or no warning. Such measures may have a significant effect on the convertibility or transferability of a currency and may have unexpected consequences for a FX Transaction that the Customer is holding. Please refer to the risk disclosures in the specific documentation of these products before making a decision to invest using margin or leverage.

Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect/ Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect are not covered by Hong Kong's Investor Compensation Fund. They involve risks of quotas used up, difference in trading day, restrictions on selling imposed by front-end monitoring, recalling of eligible stocks, and mainland market risks.

Non-leveraged Collateralized Foreign Exchange Trading
NOTE: Foreign exchange rates can move in favor of or against you. If they move against you to the extent that your margin deposit goes below 5% of your foreign exchange contract line of credit, we will endeavor to contact you as soon as possible to give you the option of depositing more funds or closing your position. If the Remaining Margin is less than the Margin Call Threshold Amount, then the Bank may make a margin call on the Customer by oral, telephonic or written notice. If the Bank makes a margin call, customer shall deliver to the Bank not later than 48 hours after the margin call, additional margin in the amount of the difference between the Remaining Margin and the Initial Margin Amount. If at any time the Remaining Margin is less than the Liquidation Threshold Amount, then the Bank may immediately and without notice to customer close-out and liquidate all FX Transactions (including Margin Transactions) as provided for in the Agreement and apply all margin held by the Bank against any net loss resulting from such close-out and liquidation. IMPORTANT: The risk of loss in foreign exchange trading can be substantial. You may sustain losses in excess of your initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop loss" or "stop limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. You may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, your position will be liquidated without your consent. You will remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives. Currency exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including national and international financial and economic conditions and political and natural events. The effect of normal market force may at times be countered by intervention by central banks and other bodies. At times, exchange rates, and price linked to such rates, may rise or fall rapidly.

Currency Switching or Foreign Exchange
Currency exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including national and international financial and economic conditions and political and natural events. The effect of normal market forces may at times be countered by intervention by central banks and other bodies. At times, exchange rates, and prices linked to such rates, may rise or fall rapidly.

Gold Trading
The gold market is volatile and a loss may be incurred from trading gold. Gold does not bear interest. A customer’s purchase of gold for the account does not represent a purchase of physical gold or a deposit of money. Customers will not have any interest inany gold owned or held by the Bank, or be entitled to physical delivery of gold. Although investment may bring about profit opportunities, each kind of investment tool comes with its own risks. Due to the fluctuating nature of the gold market, the gold price may rise or fall beyond customers’ expectations and the losses may substantially reduce customers’ capital invested and earnings (if any). Customers’ investments in Gold Trading are subject to the credit risk of the Bank. Before making any investment decision, customers should assess their own willingness and ability to bear risks and seek advice from independent financial advisors. Gold Trading (the “Scheme”) has been authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”). The SFC’s authorization of the Scheme is not an endorsement or recommendation of the Scheme nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of the Scheme or its performance. It does not mean the Scheme is suitable for all investors nor it is an endorsement of its suitability for any particular investor or class of investors.

Customers should read the sales documents, including product brochure, benefit illustration (if applicable) and policy documents and provisions issued by relevant insurance company to understand the details of the insurance plan (including but not limited to detailed terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, fees and product risks) and consider whether the insurance product meets their personal needs before application. Policyholders are subject to the credit risk of relevant insurance company.

For life insurance product, an insurance plan may comprise a savings element. Part of the premium will be paid for the insurance and related costs. If a customer is not completely satisfied with his/her life insurance policy, the customer has a right to cancel it within the cooling off period and obtain a refund of relevant premium and levy paid. To exercise such right, a notice of cancellation signed by the customer must be received by relevant insurance company’s Hong Kong Main Office within the cooling off period (i.e. within 21 calendar days immediately following either the day of the delivery of the policy or delivery of a Cooling-off Notice (stating the availability of the policy and expiry date of the cooling off period) to the customer or the customer’s nominated representative, whichever is the earlier). After the cooling off period is expired, if a customer cancels the policy before maturity, the surrender value may be less than the total premium the customer has paid.

The Bank is an authorized distributor / an agent of the relevant product issuer(s) and the concerned products are products of such product issuer but not the Bank; and in respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved between directly between the relevant product issuer(s) and the customer. This webpage does not constitute advice to buy or sell, or an offer with respect to any investment or insurance products. This webpage, the FX linked deposits and FX options abovementioned are issued by China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited which is a licensed bank regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, an approved insurance agent under the Insurance Companies Ordinance and a Registered Institution (CE No. AAC155) under the Securities and Futures Ordinance to carry on Type 1 (Dealing in Securities) and Type 4 (Advising on Securities) Regulated Activities. This webpage has not been reviewed by any regulatory authorities in Hong Kong.

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Note: All products and services are subject to terms and conditions, please click here to read the relevant terms and conditions or contact our staff for details.

Don't be tempted by quick money. Don't lend your bank account to anyone to launder money