Step Up Savings Account

Step up your savings with Preferential Interest


Open a Step Up Savings Account and enroll for the Step Up Offer to enjoy preferential interest rates (p.a.) and watch your savings appreciate!

  • Key Features
  • Apply Now
No String Attached
Your Choice of HKD/ USD/ RMB
No String Attached
Easy to earn high interest rate (p.a.) by simply open a Step Up Savings Account, and enroll for the Step Up Offer and deposit funds during the Deposit Open Period
No String Attached
Interest earned during the offer period will be automatically credited to the account at the end of each month
No String Attached
Enjoy the flexibility to withdraw money anytime, without any penalty
No String Attached
Open a Step Up Savings Account and enroll for the Step Up Offer anytime via our Online/Mobile Banking with just a few clicks, or visit your nearest branch
Know More about the Account Opening and Offer Enrollment Procedure:
Let’s check the Demo
Demo of Account Opening and Offer Enrollment via Online Banking
Demo of Account Opening and Offer Enrollment via Mobile Banking
Not yet activated your Online Banking and Mobile Banking Services?
Click here to learn more
Not yet our customer?
Click here to become a CCB (Asia) customer via e-Account Service and then check the demo here
  • If you have not yet opened a Step Up Savings Account, please refer to Section A of the above demo (Open Step Up Savings Account and Enroll for Promotion Offer).
  • If you have already opened a Step Up Savings Account but have not yet enrolled for the promotion offer, please refer to Section B of the above demo (Step Up Savings Promotion Offer Enrollment).
Terms and conditions apply.
Please click here to read the Step Up Savings Account Offer Terms and Conditions.
NOTE: If you do not have an individual current or savings account, or you want to open a joint Step Up Savings Account, please visit our branches for account opening or offer enrollment.
Don't be tempted by quick money. Don't sell your account.
Don’t lend or sell your account! Don’t risk your future for quick money!

Risk Disclosure
RMB Currency Risk
RMB is currently not freely convertible and is subject to exchange controls and restrictions (which are subject to changes from time to time without notice). You should consider and understand the possible impact on your liquidity of RMB funds in advance. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of RMB may result in losses in the event that you convert RMB into other currencies. Onshore RMB and offshore RMB are traded in different and separate markets operating under different regulations and independent liquidity pool with different exchange rates. Their exchange rate movements may deviate significantly from each other.

Exchange Rate Risk
Currency exchange rates are affected by a wide range of factors, including national and international financial and economic conditions and political and natural events. The effect of normal market force may at times be countered by intervention by central banks and other bodies. At times, exchange rates, and price linked to such rates, may rise or fall rapidly. The fluctuations in the exchange rate of a foreign currency may result in losses in the event that you convert HKD to any foreign currency or vice versa.