Frequently Asked Questions

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Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions about UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card

Account Linkage

Time Deposit & Loans Account

UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card Usage at Hong Kong ATMs

UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card Usage in Hong Kong

UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card Usage in China

UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card Usage at Overseas

Oversea ATM Transaction Activation

Online Banking

General Questions about UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card

What is UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card?

UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card is an ATM card with both the HKD and RMB accounts for cash withdrawal, POS payment and funds transfer at ease. Also, UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card is an embedded microchip ATM card. Generally speaking, ATM transactions performed in Hong Kong will use the chip technology while the magnetic stripe on card back will be used at overseas ATMs which do not support chip technology. Chip can store more account information and provide better protection for customer’s transaction.

UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card front UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card back

How many UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card I can apply for?

As UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card can contain up to 10 accounts, except there is special reason, customer is advised to get 1 card only.

Account Linkage

I only have a joint-account with my husband with CCB (Asia), could I apply for a UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card?

If your account is an either-one-to-sign account, you can apply a UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card for yourself.

I only have a Multi-Currency Savings Account, could I apply for a UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card?

Sorry, to apply for a UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, customer needs to have a HKD/RMB savings/checking account. And Multi-Currency Saving Account can ONLY be accessed by CCB (Asia) and JETCO ATMs in Hong Kong or China Construction Bank Macau Branch and JETCO ATMs in Macau while EPS/PPS service are not supported.

When I apply for a UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, I was asked to select an account as the primary account of the card. What is primary account?

Primary account also calls “main account” of the Card and links to UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card. Usually it must be HKD or RMB savings or checking account. Below are the characteristics of primary account:

  • i.For debiting the card annual fee
  • ii. Closure of the primary account will lead to closure of the card
  • iii.Change of the primary account will lead to re-issuance of the card

Time Deposit & Loans Account

Though I do not have Time Deposit or Loan account now, I may open these accounts later. Could I pre-link these accounts to my UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card now?

Yes, you can do so when you apply for the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card. After you create your time deposit(s) and/or loan account(s), the account balance(s) can be enquired at CCB (Asia) ATM.

What Time Deposit or Loan account information I can enquire at CCB (Asia) ATMs?

For Time Deposit, you can enquire the following information related to your time deposit (i) start date (ii) interest rate (iii) maturity date (iv) interest amount & (v) principal balance.

For Loans Account, you can enquire the (i) outstanding loan principal (ii) next payment due date (iii) number of remaining installments (iv) monthly installment amount.

I have 5 Time Deposits and 3 Loan Accounts with CCB (Asia), could I enquire all the account information at CCB (Asia) ATMs?

Yes, upon your linkage of Time Deposit(s) and Loan Account(s) with the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, you can review up to 7 Time Deposit and 7 Loan account details at CCB (Asia) ATMs.

I can enquire Time Deposit and Loan Account at CCB (Asia) Online Banking and the balance is up to last business day. Is the balance enquired at ATM up to last business day as well?


UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card Usage at Hong Kong ATMs

Why I can view 10 accounts on the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card at Hong Kong ATMs but only 3 accounts at some oversea ATMs?

Banks in Hong Kong have upgraded of ATM terminals to support chip-based ATM cards.But some oversea ATM has not been enhanced which means it only supports magnetic stripe, you will only be able to access the 3 accounts.

Can I use my UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card to withdraw RMB?

Yes. Customer can use the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card to withdraw RMB at any CCB (Asia) or JETCO RMB enable ATMs.

Why I cannot withdraw at ATM from my USD or other currency account?

Due to exchange rate for HKD/RMB to USD/other currency is not provided at ATM, this kind of cash withdrawal is not allowed.

UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card Usage in Hong Kong

Can I use my UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card via UnionPay POS terminals for shopping in Hong Kong?

You can use the the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card at any UnionPay POS terminals in Hong Kong. Simply ask the merchant to use the UnionPay network before payment.

What account in the card will be debited if I perform POS transaction (spending) in Hong Kong?

Customer must have HKD/RMB checking/saving account* in order to perform POS transaction (spending) in Hong Kong. If customer has both HKD and RMB account, your HKD account will be debited. If customer has more than one HKD accounts in the card, your first HKD account on the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card will be debited.
* POS transactions are not applicable to HKD and RMB Multi-Currency Saving Accounts linked on the card.

Can I withdraw cash or enquire balance via UnionPay network at HSBC or Hang Seng ATMs?

Yes, but we do not suggest as there is transaction fees involved. You are advised to use JETCO ATMs.

UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card Usage in China

Can I use the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card in Mainland China?

Yes, you can use the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card in ATMs of China Construction Bank or any ATMs with UnionPay network.

I have linked both HKD and RMB accounts on my UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card. Which account will be debited if I perform cash withdrawal in Mainland China?

When you withdraw cash via ATMs in Mainland China, your RMB account will be accessed. As there is NO auto-transfer function between RMB and HKD accounts on your UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, please ensure there are sufficient funds in the RMB account.

If I withdraw RMB from my HKD account, what will be the exchange rate?

If you do not have a RMB account linked on the card, your HKD primary account will be accessed for exchange to RMB.

UnionPay will exchange the RMB from HKD according to exchange rate of the transaction date and will debit your HKD account.

UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card Usage at Overseas

Why PLUS is not supported by UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card / UnionPay ATM Remittance Card ?

Considering the strong network of UnionPay, more promotional offers and lower transaction fee to customer, UnionPay is chosen for our customers’ benefit.

PLUS ATM network will not be supported by the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, can I still withdraw cash overseas?

Yes, you can still withdraw cash via UnionPay and its partner networks overseas. For details, please visit UnionPay website.

Can I use the Bank of America ATMs in the United States?

Yes. UnionPay has signed agreements with PLUSE and NYCE, so you can withdraw cash from the ATMs of Bank of America. When using Bank of America ATMs in the United States, ATM Cash withdrawal and Balance Enquiry Fee will not be charged by CCB (Asia).
You can also withdraw cash from the ATMs of other U.S. banks via the network above. Such information will be updated from time to time, please visit UnionPay website > Globalization > Destinations > USA > Tips.

What account in the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card will be debited if I withdraw cash at overseas ATM or perform POS transaction (spending) overseas?

Customer must have HKD/RMB checking/saving account* in order to withdraw cash/ perform POS transaction (spending) in overseas. If customer has both HKD and RMB account, your HKD account will be debited. If customer has more than one HKD accounts in the card, your first HKD account on the UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card will be debited.
*Overseas transactions are not applicable to HKD and RMB Multi-Currency Saving Accounts linked on the card.

Overseas ATM Transaction Activation

Why customer needs to activate ATM Card in order to perform ATM withdrawal at overseas?

In order to enhance ATM cards security, banks in Hong Kong are required to pre-set overseas ATM cash withdrawal capability for the chip-based ATM cards as ‘deactivated” and customers are required to activate such capability before overseas ATM cash withdrawal could be conducted.

What happen if I do not activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function”?

If customer does not activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function”, no overseas ATM withdrawal will be allowed.

What kinds of transactions are regarded as “Overseas ATM Transaction”?

Overseas ATM Transaction refers to the ATM cash withdrawals performed outside Hong Kong excluding transactions through JETCO network in Macau and Mainland China*.

* If transactions performed by customers through JETCO ATM in the Mainland are routed via UnionPay network to our bank, overseas ATM transaction activation will be required and fee for international transaction applies.

What types of transactions require “Overseas ATM Transaction Activation”?

Customer needs to activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” if you need to withdraw cash from overseas ATMs. No activation is required for balance enquiry via ATM and merchant spending via POS terminal.

What types of ATM card are required to activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” before withdrawing cash outside Hong Kong?

All ATM cards issued by banks in Hong Kong, are required to activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” for cash withdrawal outside Hong Kong .

The Overseas ATM Transaction Function applies to the following cards issued by our Bank:

· UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card (include UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card for General Banking, Premier Banking UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, Premier Select UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, CCB Private Banking UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card)

· UnionPay ATM Remittance Card

· Cross Border Long Card issued by CCB (Asia) (Prefix of card number with 621083)

· Since Smart Kid Savings Account Card does not have cash withdrawal function, Overseas ATM Transaction Function is not applicable to it.
· For Cross Border Long Card issued by China Construction Bank (Prefix of card number with 621082) in Mainland China, “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” does not apply.

Are there any other settings other than activation?

Customer can set a lower daily overseas withdrawal limit and the period of overseas transaction.

Is it compulsory for me to set a lower daily overseas withdrawal limit when activating the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function”?

Our bank has set the maximum daily withdrawal limit for different card types. Customer can choose to lower the daily overseas withdrawal limit if preferred. Please visit our website for your maximum daily limit.

Do daily overseas ATM transaction and daily local ATM transaction share the same limit?

Yes, the daily maximum withdrawal limit is shared by both overseas and local ATM cash withdrawal. For example, your daily maximum cash withdrawal limit is HK$20,000, and you have set the daily overseas ATM cash withdrawal limit as HK$8,000. If you withdrew HK$15,000 from ATM in Hong Kong, you can only withdraw HK$5,000 or equivalent from overseas ATM on the same day.

Is it mandatory to set an activation period during activation?


What is the longest activation period I can set for my card?

You can set the activation end date as the ATM card expiry date.

What channels will be available for my setup of overseas ATM transaction?

   UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card/ Cross Border Long Card issued by CCB(Asia)  UnionPay ATM Remittance Card
 Activation of Overseas ATM Transaction  By Cardholder  By account holder #
 Activation Channel
  1. Customer Service hotline +852 2779 5533 *
  2. Fill in Form 712H - Card Service Application/ Maintenance Form via branch
  3. Online Banking
  1. Customer Service hotline +852 2779 5533*
  2. Fill in Form 712H - Card Service Application/ Maintenance Form via branch
  3. Online Banking
 Activation Services
  1. Setup activation period
  2. Update/ lower daily overseas ATM withdrawal limit

# ATM Remittance Cardholder is authorized for cash withdrawal and balance enquiry only. Account holder is required to acknowledge the card and activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction” function for the cardholder.
*Service hours for Customer Service Hotline:
Monday to Friday – 8:30 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, except public holidays.

After I activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction”, when will it become effective?

The activation will become effective immediately after activating via Customer Service Hotline, Online Banking and JETCO ATMs. For activation through Form 712H - Card Service Application/ Maintenance Form via branch, it will take around 3 working days for our processing.

Can I change the limit and activation period which I set before?

Yes, customer can change the limit and activation period via the channels mentioned above any time.

After activate / change the setting of “Overseas ATM Transaction Function”, will I receive any notification?

A SMS will be sent to customer immediately if customer has maintained a mobile phone number with our bank. If customer only maintains an email address with us, email notification will be sent immediately.

Do all JETCO ATMs provide “Overseas ATM Transaction Activation Function”?

All JETCO ATMs* provide "Overseas ATM Transaction Activation Function".
*Including ATMs in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China

Is it necessary to activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” if I withdraw cash from Macau / Mainland China ATMs?

No, if customer withdraws cash through JETCO ATMs in Macau / Mainland China*, overseas ATM transaction activation is NOT required.

Customer can refer to JETCO logo below for reference:


* If transactions performed by customers through JETCO ATM in the Mainland are routed via UnionPay network to our bank, overseas ATM transaction activation will be required and fee for international transaction applies.

Can I use my Union Pay Dual Currency Debit Card at the JETCO ATMs in Mainland China?

Yes, you can use your UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card at the JETCO ATMs in Mainland China.

However, please note that the withdrawal may be routed to our bank in Hong Kong as non-JETCO network transaction for processing. For the transaction performed via UnionPay, the ATM screen will remind customer that the transaction will be performed as “International Transaction”.

If I use my card to withdraw cash at ATMs of other banks in Hong Kong via international network such as UnionPay, do I need to activate Overseas ATM Transaction function?

No, so long as the withdrawal is taken place in Hong Kong, NO overseas ATM activation is required. But transaction fee will be charged to this kind of international transaction so it is not recommended.

I have UnionPay ATM Remittance Card provided by my mother who is a main account holder and I am studying overseas, do I need to ask my mother to activate Overseas ATM Transaction for me?

Yes, as the main account holder is required to acknowledge the card and activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” for cardholder. Cardholder of UnionPay ATM Remittance card is authorized for cash withdrawal and balance enquiry only.

I have a Cross Border Long Card issued by China Construction Bank in Mainland China, do I need to activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” before withdrawing cash from ATMs in overseas or Mainland China?

No. If customer has the Cross Border Long Card issued by CCB (Prefix of Card number with 621082), “Overseas ATM Transaction Activation” is NOT required.

I have a Cross Border Long Card issued by China Construction Bank (Asia) in Hong Kong, do I need to activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” before withdrawing cash from ATMs in overseas or Mainland China?

Yes. For Cross Border Long Card issued by CCB (Asia) (Prefix of Card number with 621083), overseas ATM transaction activation is required before withdrawing in overseas and Mainland China if the CCB (Asia) account is debited (including direct debit or auto-transfer).

I have applied a new UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card from CCB (Asia), do I need to perform "Overseas ATM Transaction Activation"?

Yes, “Overseas ATM Transaction Activation” is required for ALL UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card issued by CCB (Asia).

I have lost my UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card and received a new replacement card, do I need to activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” for the new card?

Yes. Since the card number of new card is different from that of old card, customer is required to activate the “Overseas ATM Transaction Function” again.

My UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card was damaged and cannot withdraw cash, I have just received a new UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, do I need to perform overseas ATM transaction activation for the new replace card again?

If the card number and card expiry date of the new card and old card are the same, customer is NOT required to perform overseas ATM Transaction activation again.

My existing UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card was expired and just received a renewed card. And I have already activated the overseas ATM Transaction function for my old card, do I need to activate for the new replaced card again?

If card number of the old card is different from that of new card, activation is required. On the other hand, if old card and new card number are the same and the activation period is set before the old card expiry date, the pre-set activation period will be applicable to the new card. Please note that if customer set the activation end date as the old card expiry date, customer needs to extend the activation end date.

Online Banking

What I can do for UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card at Online Banking?

If you do not have a UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, you can apply one at Online Banking via New Card Application service which is an online form and can be submitted immediately through Online Banking.
If you already have a UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, you can link other account(s) with your card via Card Maintenance service which is also an online form. Or if you want to open a new account through Online Banking, you can also add the new account to your card through Online Banking.

I have applied for a new UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card at Online Banking, when can I obtain my card?

Please refer to the following timetable for reference. For customer who chooses to collect the card at branch, due to different courier time for different branch, you may collect the card one day after the following reference date. Please call the relevant branch for checking before your visit.

 Application Date/Time  Mail Out / Branch Collection Date
 (A) Mail out to customer’s correspondence address  (B) Collection at branch
 Mon 12am – Mon 7:59pm  Wed  Thu
 Mon 8pm – Tue 7:59pm Thu  Fri
 Tue 8pm – Wed 7:59pm  Fri  Mon
 Wed 8pm – Thu 7:59pm  Sat  Tue
 Thu 8pm – Sun 11:59pm  Tue  Web

(The timetable above is for reference only. *If he mail out/collection date falls under a public holiday,the card will be mailed or ready for collection at branch on the next business day)

I have given an instruction at Online Banking to link an account to my UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card, when can I view the new account at ATM?

Please refer to the following timetable for reference. After the following system update date/time, please insert your card into CCB (Asia)* ATM for UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card update such that you can view the new account at ATM.

 Submission Date/Time  System Update Date/Time
 Mon 12am – Mon 7:59pm  Tue 5am
 Mon 8pm – Tue 7:59pm  Wed 5am
 Tue 8pm – Wed 7:59pm  Thu 5am
 Wed 8pm – Thu 7:59pm  Fri 5am
 Thu 8pm – Fri 7:59pm  Sat 5am
 Fri 8pm- Sun 11:59pm  Thu 5am

*Please note that if you insert your card into JETCO ATM, only your chip on your UnionPay Dual Currency Debit Card will be updated but your magnetic stripe cannot be updated.