Life Insurance Promotion

Enjoy up to HK$10,000 Cash Reward with Diverse Insurance Plans that Support Your Life Planning

Wealth Succession

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Life Insurance Promotion
CCB (Asia) provides a wide range of insurance plans to support you in fulfilling your life’s different financial goals. During the promotion period, eligible CCB (Asia) customers can enjoy the following life insurance offers!
Up to HK$10,000 Cash Reward
From July 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024, eligible customers who have successfully applied for designated basic life insurance plans with the relevant policy issued before December 16, 2024, and fulfilled the designated first year premium amount requirement can enjoy cash reward of up to HK$10,000.
Type of Eligible Insurance Policy First Year Premium Amount2
(HKD or equivalent)
Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward
Eligible PREMIER BANKING Customer3 Other Eligible Customer4
Single Pay Products1 HK$2,000,000 – below HK$3,000,000 HK$1,000 HK$800
HK$3,000,000 – below HK$6,000,000 HK$2,000 HK$1,600
HK$6,000,000 – below HK$10,000,000 HK$4,200 HK$3,500
HK$10,000,000 or above HK$7,500 HK$6,500
Regular Pay Products HK$80,000 – below HK$150,000 HK$450 HK$400
HK$150,000 – below HK$300,000 HK$1,000 HK$900
HK$300,000 or above HK$2,500 HK$2,100
Up to 40% Discount on First Year Premium at Policy Inception5

Understand Your Needs
At different stages of your life, your needs may vary. At CCB(Asia), we provide a range of insurance solutions to help safeguard you and your loved ones, and achieve your wealth accumulation goals.
Savings & Life Protection
With our comprehensive protection options, you are assured of greater peace of mind against life’s unexpected uncertainties.
Medical & Critical Illness Protection
All-round medical protection for you and your family, to help alleviate rising medical costs, should a medical emergency or other unexpected health situation occur.
Retirement & Legacy Planning
Capitalize on the opportunities and help you accumulate wealth which can be passed on to your loved ones.
Make an appointment and talk to our professional advisors to learn more now
* Important notes:
  • The policyholder is subject to the credit risk of the insurance company.
  • If the policyholder discontinues and/or surrenders the policy in the early policy years, the amount of the benefits policyholder will get back may be considerably less than the amount of the premiums paid.
  • The projected and/or potential benefits and/or returns (e.g. bonuses, dividends, interests) and also the policy value abovementioned is/are not guaranteed and is/are for illustrative purposes only and the actual future amounts of benefits, returns and policy value may be lower than or higher than the currently quoted benefits, returns and policy value.


  1. Eligible Single Pay Products do not include Easy WealthPlus Endowment Plan.
  2. The First Year Premium Amount does not include the levy and only the net premium payment after discount will be calculated.
  3. “Eligible PREMIER BANKING Customer” means customer who has opened a brand new PREMIER BANKING Account or who has upgraded his / her existing account to a PREMIER BANKING Account with the Bank during the time period from January 2, 2024 to September 30, 2024.
  4. “Other Eligible Customer” means customer who has opened a brand new WISE BANKING Account or has upgraded his / her existing account to a WISE BANKING Account, or who has opened a brand new general banking account with the Bank during the time period from January 2, 2024 to September 30, 2024.
  5. Applicant must sign and submit the insurance application form together with payment of the net premium and insurance levy (levy is calculated on the premium after discount) in designated payment mode through the Bank and successfully applied dedicated insurance plan within the Promotion Period.
The above offer and service is bound by related terms and conditions. For details, please refer to below terms and conditions.
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Enquiry Hotline : 2903 8343

Terms & Conditions
Life Insurance Plan Reward Promotion (the “Promotion”) Terms and Conditions
  1. The promotion period is from July 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024, both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”).
  2. The Promotion is applicable only to personal banking customers of China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited (the “Bank”) who hold any savings account or checking account (in sole name or joint names); but not applicable to customers who have enjoyed the cash reward under the Life Insurance Plan Reward Promotion (May – June 2024), staff of the Bank and the Bank’s affiliates, Private Banking customers, Private Wealth customers, Commercial Banking customers, corporate customers and Capital Investment Entrant Scheme customers of the Bank.
  3. For account held in joint names, only the primary account holder will be eligible for the Promotion. The Bank reserves the right to determine the eligibility of a customer to this Promotion.
  4. To become eligible, a customer (“Eligible Customer”) shall:
    1. be a new or upgraded PREMIER BANKING customer / a new or upgraded WISE BANKING customer / a new general banking customer of the Bank during the period starting from January 2, 2024 to September 30, 2024. A new customer of the Bank will be an Eligible Customer only if he / she has neither maintained any accounts in sole name or joint name nor used any of the Bank’s banking products or services (excluding credit card accounts) in the past 12 months before account opening; and
    2. apply for a designated basic life insurance plan (including Single Pay or Regular Pay Product, but excluding Easy WealthPlus Endowment Plan) which is insured by FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“FWD”) via any branch of the Bank during the Promotion Period; under which:
      1. the relevant life insurance policy must be successfully issued by FWD no later than December 16, 2024 (“Eligible Insurance Policy”); and
      2. the first-year premium amount (excluding the levy and only the net premium payment after discount will be calculated) of such Eligible Insurance Policy must reach the designated first year premium amount(s) set out in the table below (the “First Year Premium Amount”);

        in order to enjoy the reward (“Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward”):

        Type of Eligible Insurance Policy First Year Premium Amountb
        (HKD or equivalent)
        Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward
        Eligible PREMIER BANKING Customerc Other Eligible Customerd
        Single Pay Productsa HK$2,000,000 – below HK$3,000,000 HK$1,000 HK$800
        HK$3,000,000 - below HK$6,000,000 HK$2,000 HK$1,600
        HK$6,000,000 - below HK$10,000,000 HK$4,200 HK$3,500
        HK$10,000,000 or above HK$7,500 HK$6,500
        Regular Pay Products HK$80,000 - below HK$150,000 HK$450 HK$400
        HK$150,000 - below HK$300,000 HK$1,000 HK$900
        HK$300,000 or above HK$2,500 HK$2,100
        1. Eligible Single Pay Products do not include Easy WealthPlus Endowment Plan.
        2. The calculation of the First Year Premium Amount of Eligible Insurance Policy will be calculated in Hong Kong Dollar. If the relevant Eligible Insurance Policy is issued in foreign currency, the prevailing exchange rate as quoted by the Bank on the date as determined by the Bank, at its sole discretion, will be adopted to calculate the First Year Premium Amount. And the First Year Premium Amount does not include the levy and only the net premium payment after discount will be calculated. The Bank reserves the right to determine the First Year Premium Amount under an Eligible Insurance Policy based on the Bank’s system record and also the right to verify the Eligible Customer’s transactions record in determining the Eligible Customer’s eligibility for this Promotion. The First Year Premium Amount for each Eligible Insurance Policy shall be counted once only during the entire Promotion Period.
        3. Eligible PREMIER BANKING Customer” means customer who has opened a brand new PREMIER BANKING Account or who has upgraded his / her existing account to a PREMIER BANKING Account with the Bank during the time period from January 2, 2024 to September 30, 2024.
        4. Other Eligible Customer” means customer who has opened a brand new WISE BANKING Account or has upgraded his / her existing account to a WISE BANKING Account, or who has opened a brand new general banking account with the Bank during the time period from January 2, 2024 to September 30, 2024.
  5. The above Eligible Insurance Policy is issued and underwritten by FWD. FWD will be responsible for providing insurance cover and handling claims under their respective policies. FWD is authorized and regulated by the Insurance Authority to carry out long term business in Hong Kong. The Bank is a distributor and is not an issuer of any insurance products.
  6. Each Eligible Customer may enjoy the highest tier(s) of the Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward for single pay products and regular pay products once respectively from the whole campaign. The respective cap(s) for the Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward (i) for an Eligible PREMIER BANKING customer is HK$10,000 and (ii) for Other Eligible Customer is HK$8,600. The cash reward amount is calculated based on the highest cash reward tier of all the Eligible Insurance Policy under Eligible Customers.
  7. For details about terms and conditions applicable to Eligible Insurance Policy, please refer to the respective insurance policies issued by FWD.
  8. Subject to the satisfying of the conditions mentioned in paragraph 4 above, the Bank will credit to the Eligible Customer’s HKD savings / checking account (excluding “Step Up Savings Account”) the Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward directly on or before the Cash Reward Credit Day (as defined below) if:
    1. the Eligible Customer has maintained its status as the Bank’s valid PREMIER BANKING / WISE BANKING / general banking customer throughout the entire Promotion Period and until the time of receipt of the Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward; and
    2. The relevant Eligible Insurance Policy(ies) is / are effective after the expiry of cooling-off period and should remain in force at the time of receipt of Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward. Otherwise, the Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward will be forfeited.
    3. If an Eligible PREMIER BANKING Customer / Other Eligible Customer downgrades his / her existing account, the Life Insurance Plans Cash Reward will be forfeited.
      Issue date of the related policy(ies) Cash Reward Credit Day
      a. July 1,y 2024 to August 15, 2024 On or before October 31, 2024
      b. Issued within (a) period but the expiry of cooling-off period within August 16, 2024 to December 16, 2024 period On or before February 28, 2025
      c. August 16, 2024 to December 16,2024
  9. If an Eligible Customer is eligible for the above Promotion in conjunction with other promotional offers, the Bank reserves the right to grant only part or all of the offers.
  10. The Bank reserves the right to vary, suspend and terminate the Promotion and to vary or modify any of these Terms and Conditions from time to time without prior notice. The Bank reserves the right of final decision for any disputes that may arise from this Promotion.
  11. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
Up to 40% Discount on First Year Premium at Policy Inception Terms and Conditions
  1. The promotion period of the premium discount offer as stipulated above (“Offer”) is between July 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”).
  2. This Offer is only applicable to the customers who successfully applied dedicated insurance plan and with premium paid in designated payment mode through the Bank (Insurance Intermediary License No: FA3132).
  3. Applicant must sign and submit the insurance application form together with full payment of the net premium and insurance levy (levy is calculated on the premium after discount) within the Promotion Period.
  4. The eligible customers are only required to pay the net premium payment (i.e. after deducting the premium discount) and insurance levy (levy is calculated on the premium after discount).
  5. This Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer.
  6. If the customer cancelled the policy during the cooling off period or the application is not accepted, he/she will obtain a refund of the net premium and levy paid.
  7. All matters and disputes related to this Offer will be subjected to the final decision of the Bank and/or the insurance company(ies) which also reserve the right to vary, suspend or terminate this Offer and to modify any of these Terms and Conditions from time to time without prior notice.
  8. For details and terms and conditions applicable to insurance products, please refer to the respective insurance policies issued by the relevant insurance company(ies).
Risk Disclosure
Customers should read the sales documents, including product brochure, benefit illustration (if applicable) and policy documents and provisions issued by relevant insurance company to understand the details of the insurance plan (including but not limited to detailed terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, fees and product risks) and consider whether the insurance product meets their personal needs before application. Policyholders are subject to the credit risk of relevant insurance company.

For life insurance product, an insurance plan may comprise a savings element. Part of the premium will be paid for the insurance and related costs. If a customer is not completely satisfied with his/her life insurance policy, the customer has a right to cancel it within the cooling off period and obtain a refund of relevant premium and levy paid. To exercise such right, a notice of cancellation signed by the customer must be received by relevant insurance company’s Hong Kong Main Office within the cooling off period (i.e. within 21 calendar days immediately following either the day of the delivery of the policy or delivery of a Cooling-off Notice (stating the availability of the policy and expiry date of the cooling off period) to the customer or the customer’s nominated representative, whichever is the earlier). After the cooling off period is expired, if a customer cancels the policy before maturity, the surrender value may be less than the total premium the customer has paid.

China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited (Insurance Intermediary License No: FA3132) (“the Bank”) is the appointed insurance agency of FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) ("FWD Life"), to distribute life insurance products in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Relevant life insurance products are the products of the insurance company(ies) but not the Bank. The above life insurance products are issued and underwritten by FWD Life. FWD Life is authorized and regulated by the Insurance Authority (“IA”) to carry on long-term insurance business in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Please refer to the sales documents, including product brochure, benefit illustration and policy documents and provisions issued by FWD Life for details (including but not limited to insured items and coverage, detailed terms, key risks, conditions, exclusions, important notes, policy costs and fees) of the life insurance products.  FWD Life reserves the right to decide at each of their sole discretion to accept or decline any application for life insurance product according to the information provided by the proposed Insured and the customer at the time of application. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the life insurance product should be resolved between FWD Life and the customer directly. Information on this website is intended to be distributed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”) for reference only, and shall not be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or sale or provision of any insurance product in or outside Hong Kong.

Pursuant to the Insurance (Levy) Regulation (Cap. 41I) and the Insurance (Levy) Order (Cap. 41J) under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41), the IA collects levies for insurance premiums from policyholders with effect from 1 January 2018. For further details, please visit the website of IA. For the latest information about the IA, please visit For the latest information about The Insurance Complaints Bureau, please visit