Equity-linked Investments (ELIs)
What are equity-linked investments?
Equity-linked investments (ELIs) are structured investment products embedded with derivatives, the investment returns of which are linked to the performance of the reference assets. The reference assets can be shares in a listed company, units in an exchange-traded fund or equity indices. Some issuers include one or more additional special features in their ELIs. These features may affect the potential gain or loss of the ELIs in different ways.
Product Features
Potential gain
- Daily accrual feature gives you the opportunity to receive a potential distribution amount. 1
- Investment tenor: 2-11 months
- Investment amount: HKD 100,000 or above
- Investment currency: HKD / USD / RMB
Underlying stock
- You could choose a ELI linked to a single stock, or
- ELI linked to a basket of stocks
Callable 1
- An early call feature allows the issuer to terminate your investment before maturity if certain conditions are met. You may have chance to get back the principal and potential gains before maturity.
Airbag 2
- Some ELIs may contain airbag features. Settlement in cash or physical stock will depend on any trigger events occurred or not
- Airbag level for a reference stock is usually expressed as a percentage of its initial spot price. It is set at a level lower than the strike price
- Only applicable to callable equity-linked investments
- Only applicable to equity-linked investments with airbag
The above products and services are bound by the related terms and conditions. Please contact our staff for details.
Risk Disclosure
Investment involves risks. The prices of investment products fluctuate, sometimes dramatically, and may become valueless. Investment products are not equivalent to or alternatives of time deposits. Before making any investment decisions, customers are encouraged to consult their own independent financial advisors and read the relevant offering documents for further details including the risk factors in order to ensure that they fully understand the risks associated with the investment products.
This webpage does not constitute advice to buy or sell, or an offer with respect to any investment products. Any offer, invitation or recommendation to any customers to enter into any investment transaction does not constitute any prediction of likely future movements in prices of any investment products. This webpage is issued by China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited, and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or any other regulatory authorities in Hong Kong.