“FortuneLink” Mobile App

Upgraded mobile investing experience
Get smart with every wealth opportunity

CCB (Asia)’s new “FortuneLink Mobile App” brings you an upgraded mobile investing experience. With the App at hand, you can stay on top of the latest market information and trends while benefitting from fast stock trading, allowing you to gain advantage in the investment market and grasp every opportunity to build your wealth right at your fingertips.

If you have already registered for our Online Banking and Mobile Banking, simply log into our "FortuneLink Mobile App”.

  • Features
  • Requirements
Overview of Key Functions
  • Place the order with simply a few clicks!
  • Trade Hong Kong and Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Securities more easily.
Quick Trade
  • 7x24 News and comprehensive Market Information with Push notifications – to help you stay abreast with all the latest market movements.
  • Keep pace with market trends, get Real Time Quotes around the clock, and seize trading opportunities.
Market Information with Real Time Quotes
  • Your Profit and Loss details and your Portfolio’s Position Status can be seen at a glance, to help you manage your wealth more effectively.
Profit & Loss Automatic Calculation Service
  • For Novice Investors – our Trial Trading Service helps you to get familiar with market conditions.
Trial Trading Service
  • Customize your Stock Watchlist with the Price Alert function to help you capture every investment opportunity.
Customize your Watchlist
  • Subscribe to IPO and check your application status with the App – anytime, anywhere.
  • Timely respond to Corporate Announcements (e.g. dividends or stock options), so you never miss any opportunity!
e-Corporate Action
Overview of Other Functions
Amend/Cancel Orders
View Transaction Status/Records
View Transaction Portfolio/Settlement Records
Transfer Funds To/From your Settlement/Margin Account(s)
Set up and view Investment eStatement
Notification Center
Real Time Streaming Quotes for Hong Kong Stocks
FortuneLink Mobile App supports Apple’s iOS version 14.0 and Android’s OS version 8.0 or above. Existing users of the StocksLink Mobile App can enjoy the new App by simply updating the StocksLink Mobile App via the App Store and Google Play, as appropriate; new users can simply download the FortuneLink Mobile App by searching “FortuneLink” in the App Store or Google Play.
Requirements of Mobile Operating System:
iOS 14.0 or above
Android 8.0 or above
In order to protect your online security, FortuneLink Mobile App will not run on any devices which are "jailbroken" (iOS) or "rooted" (Android). The Bank shall not be responsible for any problems or loss suffered by you if you attempt to use FortuneLink Mobile App on such devices.
Biometric Credential Logon is applicable on Apple iPhone 5s or later models with Touch ID/Face ID function and operation system on iOS 14.0 or above; and for biometric credential enabled compatible android devices with operation system on v8.0 or above.
Download and experience FortuneLink Mobile App now!
Download Android application package*
Version: 5.2.5
Please note that we recommend you to download the apk file from our Bank’s website only when you cannot access the Google Play.
Steps for installation:
  1. Go to Settings > Security, then tick "Unknown sources"
  2. Save the downloaded apk file to the device, or download the apk file from our website directly
  3. Use file explorer (e.g. My Files) to open and install the apk file
  4. Go to Settings > Security, then untick "Unknown sources"
* This download link brings you to a third party download site designated by China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited (the "Bank").
For the download of software from the third party download site, the Bank does not represent or confirm the following (or any of them):
  1. that there will be no delay, failure, error or omission or loss of information in transmission;
  2. that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted; and
  3. that no damage will occur to your mobile handset and/or computer system.
You are solely responsible for the following:
  1. adequate protection and backup of data and equipment; and
  2. undertaking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses and other contaminating or destructive properties.
The use of the above services is bound by the related terms and conditions. Please contact our staff for details.
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To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Risk Disclosure
Investment involves risks. The prices of investment products fluctuate, sometimes dramatically, and may become valueless. Investment products are not alternative of normal time deposits. Before making any investment decision, customers are encouraged to consult their own independent financial advisors and read the relevant offering documents in order to ensure that they fully understand the risks associated with the investment products.

Securities Trading
Investment involves risks. The price of securities fluctuates, sometimes dramatically. The price of a security may move up and down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling securities. Before investing, investors should understand the associated risks.

Securities Margin Trading
If a client maintains a margin account with the Bank, the risk of loss in financing a transaction by deposit of collateral is significant. The client may sustain losses in excess of the client's cash and any other assets deposited as collateral with the Bank. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute contingent orders, such as “stop-loss” or “stop-limit” orders. The client may be called upon at short notice to make additional margin deposits or interest payment. If the required margin deposits or interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, the client's securities collateral may be liquidated without the client's consent. Moreover, the client will remain liable for any resulting deficit in the client's account and interest charged on the client's account. The client should therefore carefully consider whether such a financing arrangement is suitable in light of the client's own financial position and investment objectives.

Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is not covered by Hong Kong’s Investor Compensation Fund. It involves risks of quotas used up, difference in trading day, restrictions on selling imposed by front-end monitoring, recalling of eligible stocks, and mainland market risks.

RMB Currency Risk
RMB is subject to the PRC government's control (for example, exchange restrictions). Besides, there is no guarantee that RMB will not depreciate. If customers convert Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency into RMB so as to invest in RMB denominated investment products and subsequently convert the RMB redemption proceeds back into Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency, you may suffer a loss if RMB depreciates against Hong Kong Dollar or other currency.

Online Investment Trading Services
Due to unpredictable network traffic congestion and other reasons, the Internet and other electronic media may not be reliable media of communication and transactions conducted over the Internet and via other electronic media are subject to: (i) possible failure or delay in the transmission and receipt of instructions for any or all transactions in investment products or other information, and (ii) possible failure or delay of execution or execution at prices different from those prevailing at the time when your instructions were given. There are risks associated with the online investment trading system, including the failure of hardware and/or software, and the result of any such system failure may be that your orders are either not executed according to your instructions or are not executed at all. There are risks of interruption, distortion, omission, blackout or interception during the transmission of instructions for any or all transactions in investment products, as well as of any misunderstanding or errors in communication.

This webpage does not constitute advice to buy or sell, or an offer with respect to any investment products. Any offer, invitation or recommendation to any customers to enter into any investment transaction does not constitute any prediction of likely future movements in prices of any investment products. This webpage was issued by China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited, and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or any other regulatory authorities in Hong Kong.