Shanghai-HK Stock Connect / Shenzhen-HK Stock Connect

Discern the opportunities of Shanghai–HK Stock Connect/
Shenzhen–HK Stock Connect, amass the potential wealth

Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect are securities trading and clearing links programmes developed by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited ("HKEx"), Shanghai Stock Exchange ("SSE"), Shenzhen Stock Exchange ("SZSE") and China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited ("ChinaClear"), aiming to achieve a breakthrough in mutual market access between the Mainland and Hong Kong.

Under this programme, Hong Kong and overseas investors will be able to trade eligible SSE and SZSE securities through “Shanghai Northbound Trading” and "Shenzhen Northbound Trading" while Mainland investors will be able to trade eligible Hong Kong-listed securities through "Southbound Trading".

The Bank provides Shanghai Northbound Trading and Shenzhen Northbound Trading services to its customers.

For existing securities trading customer would like to engage in Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading, please visit any of our branches to activate the services. Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect are subject to relevant terms and conditions.

Important Note:
Investment involves risks. The prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities.
The shares under Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading are denominated in RMB. If your home currency is not RMB, you will be exposed to currency risk.
Due to the difference in the market operation and trading mechanism between the Shanghai Stock Exchange (“SSE”), Shenzhen Stock Exchange (“SZSE”) and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (“SEHK”) as well as the specific features associated with the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (e.g. Trading Days and Daily Quota, etc), please understand the associated risks before investing.
Stock trading via Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading may be restricted or suspended when the relevant quotas are used up or the relevant stocks cease to be the Eligible Stock.
Unlike securities trading in the SEHK, board lot and odd lot orders are both matched on the same platform in SSE and SZSE, and subject to the same share price. As such, board lot orders may be matched with odd lot orders in the SSE or SZSE, and this may result in odd lot trades in case of partial execution. In the extreme situation for sell orders where the quantity executed may be very little that the resulted transaction consideration may not be enough to cover the associated fees (e.g. brokerage commission), the customers still have to bear full payment of the associated fees.

Key facts about Shanghai Northbound Trading and Shenzhen Northbound Trading #

Shanghai Northbound Trading Shenzhen Northbound Trading
Eligible customers Individual or corporate customers who have Securities Trading (Cash) Account and RMB Settlement Account maintained with our Bank (excluding Mainland investor and corporate or unincorporated entities which are registered in the Mainland).
Eligible stocks · Constituent stocks of the SSE 180 Index
· Constituent stocks of the SSE 380 Index
· All SSE listed A shares with the corresponding H shares listed and traded on SEHK
· Constituent stocks of SZSE Component Index and SZSE Small / Mid Cap Innovation Index with market
capitalization of not less than RMB 6 billion(ChiNext Board is limited to institutional professional investors)
· All SZSE listed A shares with the corresponding H shares listed and traded on SEHK
Note: Excluding stocks on

1. risk alert board and stocks not traded in RMB

2. ChiNext Board of SZSE which is limited to Institutional professional investors

Eligible ETFEligible,but not available in the Bank
Trading DaysPlease refer to HKEx website ( for trading days.
Trading HoursPlease refer to HKEx website ( for trading hours.
Order TypeOnly Limit Order
Board lot size100 shares per lot (muist be lot sizes by buy order)
Max order quantity1 million shares
Order amendmentNot permitted (Customer can only cancel the respective order and place a new order after the order successfully cancelled)
Day Trade Not permitted
Covered Short Selling Eligible, but not available in the Bank
Margin financing, stock borrowing & lending
IPO subscription Not allowed
Settlement cycle Stock Settlement: Trade day
Cash settlement: Trade day + 1
Settlement currency RMB
Uncovered short selling Not peritted
Daily Quota for Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading(Calculated real-time during trading hours)Please visit HKEx website ( for quota information.
Protected by Investor Compensation Fund Effective 1 Jan 2020, the SFC investor compensation regime has been expanded to cover Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading through the China Connect Service.

# Subject to change by the relevant regulators or authorities from time to time

For the fees and levies charged by relevant regulators or authorities in Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading (including but not limit to brokerage commission and / or other fees charged by the Bank), please refer to the latest Schedule of Service Fees for Securities Trading Service.

Holiday arrangement in Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading

Please refer to HKEx website ( for holiday arrangement.

Contingency arrangement under severe weather conditions in Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading

Please refer to HKEx website ( for contingency arrangement under severe weather conditions.

Under the below situations purchase orders of SSE or SZSE Securities will be suspended

1.the SSE or SZSE Security subsequently ceases to be a constituent stock of the relevant indices;

2.the SSE or SZSE Security is subsequently under “risk alert”;

3.the corresponding H share of the SSE or SZSE Security subsequently ceases to be traded on SEHK;

4.the SZSE Security is, based on any subsequent periodic review, determined to have a market capitalization of less than RMB 6 billion;

5.Aggregate foreign shareholding on SSE or SZSE Securities reaches 28%;

6.Daily Quota Balance drops to zero or below

After order placement in the Bank, customers are advised to check the order status from time to time via our various channels (including but not limited to Online Banking or Mobile Banking, etc) for the latest status and execution result of the order instruction placed to our Bank. Please be reminded that our acceptance to customer’s order placement does not mean that the order can be / will be executed and/or accepted by the Shanghai Stock Exchange/Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Price Limit

For SSE and SZSE Securities, there is a general price limit of a ±10% (and a ±5% for stocks under special treatment (i.e. ST and *ST stocks) in the risk alert board in SSE and SZSE) based on previous closing price. Any orders with price beyond the price limit will be rejected by SSE or SZSE. Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading is subject to the same rule.

Dynamic Price limit

To prevent mischievous behavior towards the use of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading quota, SEHK has put in place a dynamic price checking for buy orders. Buy orders with input prices lower than the current best bid (or last traded price in the absence of current best bid, or previous closing price in the absence of both current best bid and last traded price) beyond a prescribed percentage will be rejected.
During Opening Call Auction, the current bid (or previous closing price in the absence of the current bid) will be used for checking. During Closing Call Auction of SZSE, the current bid (or last traded price in the absence of the current bid) will be used for checking. Dynamic price checking will be applied throughout the trading day, from the 5-minute input period before the start of Opening Call Auction until the end of the afternoon Continuous Auction (until the end of the Closing Call Auction for SZSE). SEHK has set the dynamic price checking at 3% during the initial phase and may be adjusted from time to time subject to market conditions.

Restriction on share holding for foreign investor

Under the current PRC rules, foreign investors who trade SSE or SZSE Securities are required to comply with the following foreign shareholding restrictions. Shanghai and Shenzhen Northbound Trading of SSE / SZSE Securities are subject to this restriction :
i. Aggregate foreign investors’ shareholding in an SSE or SZSE Security cannot exceed 30% of the total issued shares
ii. Single foreign investors’ shareholding in an SSE or SZSE Security cannot exceed 10% of total issued shares
Once the SSE / SZSE informs SEHK that the aggregate foreign shareholding in an SSE or SZSE Security reaches 28%, HKEx will stop accepting further buy orders on that SSE or SZSE Security, until shareholding lowers to 26%. If the aggregate foreign shareholding exceeds 30% and the excess is due to Shanghai / Shenzhen Northbound Trading, HKEx will identify the relevant exchange participant (EP) and require it to follow the force-sell requirements. Investor may suffer a loss due to this force-sell arrangement.

Disclosure obligations

Under the current PRC rules, when an investor holds or controls up to 5% of the issued shares of a SSE or SZSE listed company, the investor is required to disclose his /her interest within three working days. Such investor may not buy or sell the shares in the listed issuer within the three-day period. For such investor, every time when there is an increase or decrease in his shareholding by 5%, he / she is required to make a disclosure within three working days. From the day the disclosure obligation arises to two working days after the disclosure is made, the investor may not buy or sell the shares in the listed issuer. If a change in shareholding of the investor is less than 5% but results in the shares held or controlled by him / her falling below 5% of the issued shares in the listed issuer, the investor is required to disclose the information within three working days.

Investors are advised to obtain appropriate professional legal and financial advice if there is any query on disclosure obligations.


Risk Disclosure for Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect

The above information maybe amended or changed due to the change of relevant rules, regulation, requirements in connection with the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect. You are advised to observe the updates of such relevant rules, regulations and requirements from time to time. Such information does not constitute advice to buy or sell, or an offer with respect to any securities. Nor does it constitute any prediction of likely future movements in prices of any securities. The above information has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or any other regulatory authorities in Hong Kong.

Reference Source: HKEx (Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen – Hong Kong Stock Connect), Investor Education Centre (