Securities Monthly Investment Plan
Gives your investments an easy head start
CCB (Asia)’s Securities Monthly Investment Plan helps you attain your financial goals by supporting you in building your investment portfolio through regular fixed monthly contributions.
Eligible List of Securities
Contribution Month | Monthly Contribution set up by Customer (will be held from your Settlement Account on the Hold Fund Date) |
Monthly Contribution after handling fee is deducted | Average price per share | Quantity of shares bought | Monthly Contribution (excluding handling fee) |
Monthly Contribution (including handling fee) |
January | 1,000 | 950 | 10.300 | 92 | 947.60 | 997.60 |
February | 1,000 | 950 | 11.650 | 81 | 943.65 | 993.65 |
March | 1,000 | 950 | 12.100 | 78 | 943.80 | 993.80 |
The above services are bound by the related terms and conditions. Please contact our staff for details.
Risk Disclosure
Investment involves risks. The past performance of a mutual fund is not a guide to its future performance and yields are not guaranteed. The value of a mutual fund can go down as well as up and you could lose some or all of the principal amount invested. Funds are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, the Bank or any of its affiliates. The Bank will normally be paid a commission/ rebate by the fund manager. For the risks involved in investing in mutual funds, investors should refer to the prospectus of the relevant funds. You are encouraged to consult your own independent financial advisors before making any investment decision.
Securities Trading
It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling securities.
Online Investment Trading Services
Due to unpredictable network traffic congestion and other reasons, the Internet and other electronic media may not be reliable media of communication and transactions conducted over the Internet and via other electronic media are subject to: (i) possible failure or delay in the transmission and receipt of instructions for any or all transactions in investment products or other information, and (ii) possible failure or delay of execution or execution at prices different from those prevailing at the time when your instructions were given. There are risks associated with the online investment trading system, including the failure of hardware and/or software, and the result of any such system failure may be that your orders are either not executed according to your instructions or are not executed at all. There are risks of interruption, distortion, omission, blackout or interception during the transmission of instructions for any or all transactions in investment products, as well as of any misunderstanding or errors in communication.
This webpage does not constitute advice to buy or sell, or an offer with respect to any investment products. Any offer, invitation or recommendation to any customers to enter into any investment transaction does not constitute any prediction of likely future movements in prices of any investment products. This webpage is issued by China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited, and has not been reviewed by the SFC or any other regulatory authorities in Hong Kong.