Wealth Financing

Smart financing
with funding flexibility

CCB (Asia) Wealth Financing allows you to leverage initial investment with a wide range of collaterals, providing you with greater financial flexibility and ability to seize market opportunities.

Greater financial flexibility
With CCB (Asia) Wealth Financing, you can customize your portfolio to fulfil your needs at any time while enjoying flexible repayment offers.
A wide range of collateral options
Eligible collaterals under CCB (Asia) Wealth Financing include HKD time deposits, foreign currency time deposits and mutual funds.
Eligible collaterals and maximum loan ratio#
Eligible collaterals Maximum loan ratio
Mutual Fund 85%of asset market value
HKD and Foreign Currency Time Deposit 95%

#The Bank reserves the right to revise and modify the eligible collateral, loan ratio of the collateral, overdraft amounts and overdraft interest rate without prior notice.

Capture global investment opportunities
  • Applying for CCB (Asia) Wealth Financing is simple and once your application is successfully approved, you can be offered cash for more financial flexibility and maximize the potential return of your wealth with competitive borrowing costs.
  • As low as 2.12%* p.a. (i.e. 1-month HIBOR +0.8%, capped at HKD Prime rate -2.5%) for Premier Banking / Wise Banking / Mortgage customers.

Under the assumption that the asset market value of your eligible collateral mutual fund is HK$1,000,000 and under the basis that the loan ratio is at 65%, you can be offered extra liquidity of up to HK$650,000. This can be used for cash flow or other financial products at your discretion to assist you in achieving your investment goals without needing to sell any of your holdings.

Asset market value of your eligible collateral mutual fund HK$1,000,000
Overdraft amount HK$650,000 = (1,000,000 x 65%)
Comparison of returns
  Original Portfolio (HKD) Portfolio with Wealth Financing (HKD)
Total investment amount 1,000,000 1,650,000 (1,000,000 + 650,000)
Annual return
(Assuming 10% return / -10% loss rate)
(1,000,000 x 10%)
- 100,000
(1,000,000 x -10%)
(1,650,000x 10%)
(1,650,000 x -10%)
Interest cost of CCB (Asia) Wealth Financing
(Assume an annualized overdraft interest rate of 2.12% *)
Not applicable 13,780
(650,000 x 2.12%)
Net gain/loss 100,000 -100,000 151,220 -178,780
Investment return/loss rate*
(Based on the original investment of HK$1,000,000)
10% -10% 15.12% -17.88%

*The above example is calculated as an annualized overdraft interest rate of 1 month HIBOR +0.8% = 2.12% p.a. for CCB (Asia) Wealth Financing (this is based on data referenced as of August 1, 2022. Actual loan interest rates are dependent on the market interest rate). The return/loss rate and loan ratio from this example are for illustrative purposes only and are not indicative of actual and/or future performance and borrowing costs.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Risk Disclosure
General Terms & Conditions